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Drug trafficking is estimated to have a turnover of $400 billion USD annually.

Drug trafficking, the act of selling and distributing substances that are subject to drug prohibition laws, is one of the largest of the Illicit Trade categories in the world. Drug trafficking has particularly severe implications because of the vast illegal profits it generates: hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

In several drug production and transit regions, criminal groups undermine state authority and the rule of law by fueling corruption, compromising elections, and hurting legitimate economy. In all cases, criminal influence and money are having a significant impact on the livelihoods and quality of life of citizens, particularly women, children, and the impoverished.

Drug trafficking and the money-laundering that goes with it is directly tied to a range of other criminal activities. The general growth of these activities over the past 25 years stems largely from the greater opportunities that financial deregulation and globalization provide.

CSGS Board Members Jim Fuda (left) and Myrle Carner (right) learn of Afghan drug smuggling transit routes from Slovenian Police Commanders. (Click image to enlarge.)

Crime Stoppers Global Solutions Is Combating Drug Smuggling
Crime Stoppers Global Solutions Is Combating Drug Smuggling
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